

  • Promoting labour intensive and decent work
    This theme examines international development policies and actions that stimulate labor-intensive forms of work while respecting decency standards.
  • Social dialogue in informal economies
    This theme pertains to the negotiation and interaction among various stakeholders, including informal workers, employers, government authorities, and civil society organizations. These interactions influence the delivery of decent work and social protection within the informal sector.
  • Social protection in informal economies
    This theme addresses the challenges associated with extending social protection and promoting decent work in regions where a significant portion of the population is engaged in informal economic activities.


  • Financing social protection
    This theme focuses on the process of financial resources mobilization, pooling them in an insurance fund, and determining the scope of the social protection benefit package available to beneficiaries. It also includes evaluating the impact of tax-benefit policies on inequality and poverty outcomes.
  • Universal health coverage
    This theme revolves around ensuring that individuals have access to high-quality healthcare services, while at the same time providing social protection against the financial consequences of using these services. A major challenge is to ensure policy coherence between the various agendas supported at the international and national levels, and to respond to local communities’ expectations.