SPRING is a consortium of actors keen to contribute to strengthening socio-economic resilience in Central and Eastern African economies – with a focus on DRC, Rwanda, and Uganda. Although the cases studies are in Central and Eastern Africa, the work is meant to engage with broader research and policy debates on social protection and inclusive growth.

Our mission

SPRING aims to reflect on the challenges of transformative social protection in an informal economy context. It aims to support the Belgian cooperation policy in the DRC, Rwanda, Uganda and beyond ; by deepening the knowledge on the dynamics of the informal economy, focusing on the promotion of labour intensive and decent work, ways to increase social protection coverage and its financing, universal health coverage and social dialogue.

SPRING has a threefold agenda : (1) to develop its own collaborative research programme with the partners of the consortium, (2) to respond to ad-hoc questions on its core competences to support actors of the Belgian development cooperation and, (3) to serve as a platform of information exchange bridging researchers and policy actors in these fields.

SPRING is not just an initiative to engage in original policy-applied research, it is above all a platform for sharing and discussing research results between researchers and actors in the field of social protection and inclusive growth.

Subscribe to the newsletter

SPRING creates a newsletter to gather and disseminate all information related to its five themes areas of expertise